"Poof!" A jade claw flew back and fell into Zhuang’s arms. She saw that Zhuang was not far away and showed a silly giggle. "Master Zhuang … Hee hee hee … You are awake … Hee hee hee … Master Zhuang’s family wants to love you … er … Master Zhuang, look good and kiss … wood and kiss …"

"What did you … do to her?" Zhuang was dumbfounded not far away.
"I’ve seen through all their weaknesses. I paralyzed her fighting ability through vibration … well, I may also paralyze her by the way …" Look at the jade claws holding the neck not far from Zhuang, kissing and kissing, and shaking her wrists like scales. "Old miss …"
Zhuang not far turned his eyes. Is this the so-called miss?
At present, there are nearly 1000 rabbit dragons in the manor, and at this time, all the rabbit dragons seem to be drunk and stagger.
And scaly did all this by himself?
This is the strength of the six-armed dragon?
Just by your own physical strength?
Moreover, I have seen through the enemy’s weakness in a short battle. How can I say that what function paralyzes the brain paralyzes what function?
Even if you are a six-armed dragon, don’t be so exaggerated!
"Good villa master, no one is making trouble now. Let’s continue to study." Scaly pale doesn’t even sweat-of course, the six-armed dragon man may not have sweat glands at all. He took a few steps forward and stretched out his hand to drag the villa not far away.
"Wait!" Not far from Zhuang, with a wave of his hands, he posed as a "crane with bright wings". "It’s not easy to deal with me not far from the enemy village! Ada! "
Seeing that Zhuang’s slap was not far away, it was not serious, but suddenly the sense of crisis in his heart gave birth to a pike in his hand and suddenly blocked Zhuang’s slap.
"Pa" is not far from a village, and the slap intersects with the gun.
A silver light flashed "click" and the spear in the scaly hand was corroded instantly. The spear head flew out and was inserted next to it, trembling and still shaking.
Scaly pale looked down at the gun and frowned tightly.