The weak morning light reflected dazzling light in some places, and some people immediately exclaimed, "It’s no wonder that crystal mines are exposed on the surface. It’s difficult to mine these crystal mines. One vein is worth at least three veins!"

Qin Chang touched him by telling all the troops to go around the other side of the cliff before a gentle slope, which is the quickest way to the top of the cliff.
When the sun rose completely from the horizon, the imperial soldiers could see things hundreds of meters away, so they stormed the Spirit sentry towers and small battle fortresses on the gentle slope.
The Spirit people naturally know how serious the consequences will be if the cliff in the base area is occupied by the enemy, so they have built numerous fort fortifications on the side of climbing the cliff gently.
That is, if an enemy attacks here, it can delay the enemy’s attack on the cliff, so that the main base troops can reinforce in time.
However, at this time, when the front is hot, where can they expect that such an Indiana Jones will suddenly appear at the heart!
When one hundred siege engine were on the road, six of them broke down due to failure and were thrown directly by Qin Changfeng without hesitation. At this time, 94 tanks set up siege mode, and all the protruding turret fragments in the east and west of the earth were flattened in one volley after the first row of batteries was 20 meters, and they were splashed all over the sky and were directly smashed by the second round of artillery fire.
After two rounds of shelling, one-third of the tanks put away the siege frame, and after the infantry cover moved forward for 100 meters, it was set up again. Then the artillery fire extended forward along the boundary that had been bombed before, and tore up all Spirit units for a distance of 50 meters.
In this way, siege engine moved forward in an orderly way. In less than ten minutes, with the huge range advantage, he plowed the gentle slope where he had to climb the cliff directly, and almost all obstacles were removed.
At this time, Spirit’s main base has been slow to send reinforcements or come to attack force.
Chapter three hundred and ten Never fair
The main base of Zhanguang Tribe did not send troops to stop the attack in the shortest time. Obviously, it was not that they didn’t want to, but they couldn’t!
It is obviously a death row for ground troops to force their way in front of nearly 100 heavy tanks.
In the army … On this planet, whether it is a war light tribe or an imperial army, there is a great shortage of Chinese fighters. Even if there is one, it has already been dispatched to the front line, which will stay idle in the rear.
Of course, in the final base, the Spirit troops also tried their best-five transport planes, more than 300 acceleration enthusiasts and nearly 100 dragon knights tried to attack the dark templar from the rear and tried to disrupt the attacking troops at the same time.
However, this desperate wave of imperial officers had long expected that all tank barrels would instantly turn to cover the Spirit soldiers with different firepower, and the soldiers were instantly submerged by gunfire and bullets. What’s worse, there were vulture chariots burying smart mines in front of the position.
And five transport planes, which obviously want to head the fanatics directly into the tank positions, are directly shot into fireworks and exploded halfway by five giant robots staring at each other one by one … This huge combat robot can be both right and wrong, and it is extremely powerful in preventing missiles from being shot when attacking.
In that small group of dark templars, they died the worst, but they were able to perceive their fiend and found traces in more than 300 meters, and then they were vividly humiliated by Chrysanthemum morifolium.
The attack power of the dark templar may be very strong, but in terms of comprehensive combat effectiveness, it is obviously a far cry from the fiend after three evolutions.
So Qin Changfeng led the imperial armored forces that marched into the middle of the night and attacked more than 200 kilometers. In this way, they smoothly entered the anti-slope of the cliff as planned, and materials and crystal mines were built from armored vehicles on the hillside to build a defensive offensive.
Mainly the walled bunker and the anti-missile launch pad seem to want to operate here as a small base.
With the protection of infantry and 44 tanks in full swing, the engineering vehicle built fortifications, and the remaining 40 tanks were not idle. After being erected at the top of the cliff, it hoisted and shot the Spirit base on the other side of the cliff at an extremely high angle.
The shell hurtled high into the sky with an almost straight oblique line with a small angle, then drew a parabola close to the straight coincidence in the process of gravity falling rapidly towards the oblique side, and finally crashed into the main base of Spirit nationality.
With a loud bang, five or six mysterious and beautiful buildings were instantly submerged by gunfire and turned to ashes in crazy shrapnel.
After Qin Changfeng, let these tanks bombard each other’s Spirit base without delay. The main blockade exporter will never let the target leave the base. Anyone who wants to escape from the base to meet them must have been eyeing siege engine for a volley.
Occupy the highland favorable terrain Fang Xing Eldar whole huge base in siege engine artillery coverage!
Everyone knows that it’s not their purpose to destroy this base this time to lay down their lives, but their real goal is to bring back the main force of the Zhanguang tribe on this planet to give a break to the defeated imperial army and regroup and then reverse the whole battle situation.
You know, in almost all major battles, the death of the defeated side is often not to the point of breaking the bones.
The real huge loss was caused by being chased and strangled.
The Qin Changfeng waiting for Spirit clan commanders out of action.
At this time, more than two hundred kilometers away, the remaining testers of this planet’s Zhanguang tribe were sitting in a transport plane.

After the industrial fire burned, a vast expanse of white land was left.

With the illumination of a Buddha’s light, the vast land is as clean as running water, gathering in the blink of an eye to turn into a treasure pool.
In the pool, there are lotus seeds that take root and sprout, peanut lotus seeds that blink, and poor lotus seeds that spread to the whole world.
Chapter one thousand one hundred and ten This is the gap
Seeing this, Naraku, a god of death, suddenly sat still.
Suddenly, the staff of the killer in his hand is held high and a pure death force is integrated into the Styx.
Will be that death torrent red-violet industry fire resisted.
That pure evil thoughts and no evil death force can isolate the burning of red-violet karma.
Seeing this, anyone who is expanding the Buddhist country across the Styx in Naraku will stop.
Reached out a recruit fire red-violet fell into his hands, as he only played a few points of light from the fire red-violet fell.
Rooted and sprouted on the banks of the Ming River, blossoming manzhushahua resisted the invasion of death.
At the same time, the little bit of industrial fire also made all living beings in Casserley on the other side of the Styx fear.
When Zhang Yuan Bai, David, John and Fan Jie became gods one after another, Cherie orochimaru and others could not sit still.
After all, they came one step late, and now they are one step late when they become gods.
As the saying goes, one step is slow and one step is slow.
Then continue to wait, even in the end, everyone will have a hard time drawing water from bamboo baskets, but others will marry each other every year.
Therefore, looking at the adult gods, everyone has been promoted to become gods with the help of faith.
In this period, Thor also presided over several trials, and then Emperor Miao Hua personally presided over the trial period several times.
Some of the recognition of the world’s sentient beings for the trial and doom has also been transferred to him.
Therefore, when orochimaru and others were promoted to become gods, he also became gods by this.
Later, he presided over several professional trials to make his reputation deeper.
When all professionals have crossed this threshold and become gods one after another, the real events have also begun.
Everyone in the main material world has become their share of the cake.
In their promotion of orthodox religion, Christianity, Buddhism, and blood gods, they have been arguing about their beliefs.
After a hundred years of peace, the crystal wall world fell into chaos.
In this turmoil, Thor is the most active one.
He did not fix his kingdom on a certain plane in the outer plane, but wandered around in various planes and presided over various trials.
The more powerful a creature is, the wider its influence will be and the wider its popularity will be.
In this chaotic world, the evolution of the crystal wall world is about to enter the end.
Looking into the world, the number of appearances have dissipated and revealed their appearance.
The wall of Aioujing still dominates the mainstream, followed by Zhang Yuan Baidi Country, David and John Paradise and Hell, and Liao Fan Western Buddhism.
What they occupy is the belief of all beings in the main material plane.
The original gods and gods in the crystal wall world have their own long-lasting connotations, and they have also evolved various world bodies respectively.
Among them, Sivanas’ natural psychic is a unique benchmark
The rest, such as Asmo Tears, the king of the nine levels of hell, Naraku, the god of death, Gebus, the orc god, and the powerful abyss hell Lord Kerilon Larrissian, the elf god, etc.
They have also evolved a world in which one side conforms to their clergy according to their own understanding.
At this moment when a hundred flowers are blooming, the evolution of the crystal wall world is gradually becoming complete.
At the moment, no one has shown that he can suppress all forces.
Lingqing sighed slightly, "Now it seems that Zhang Yuan’s ability to make peace with everyone is still insufficient to do this."
Miao Hua said with a smile, "But the harvest is good, isn’t it?"
"That’s true." Lingqing nodded and stretched out his hand in front of one point two people at Guatai, and suddenly appeared a star-like world image.
These images are all the worlds evolved by orochimaru and Sivanas through the world species.
Although its evolutionary world is based on the illusory foundation of the crystal wall world, it can’t really metaplasia chaos and create a world template.
But some of these fantastic ideas are delighted by Lingqing.
The evolution of the crystal wall world is coming to an end, in which Lingqing has done most of the work by himself.
After all, sending out so many kinds of world plants consumes a lot of power.
But these expenses are nothing to him who owns dozens of Lingbao.
According to Lingqing’s cognition, what Ai Ou prayed for was the original chaotic vitality.
His so-called strength is nothing more than his means of collecting all kinds of vitality to fill his illusory world.
And can be transformed into a world of mixed energy to do this.
Through other professionals or his own efforts, he still needs to transform his own strength to evolve in this crystal wall world.
And chaotic vitality can spontaneously blend into this world to fill its emptiness.
"Io should do something now, right?" Miao Hua said, looking up at the black hole overhead.
Is one of the dark can’t see Io figure.
Lingqing shook his head. "Look, he even can’t see any clue."
Thor has been exposed on the surface, and there is probably nothing to pay attention to.
Now it’s up to orochimaru, who among the six of them will take the lead? "

"Poof!" A jade claw flew back and fell into Zhuang’s arms. She saw that Zhuang was not far away and showed a silly giggle. "Master Zhuang … Hee hee hee … You are awake … Hee hee hee … Master Zhuang’s family wants to love you … er … Master Zhuang, look good and kiss … wood and kiss …"

"What did you … do to her?" Zhuang was dumbfounded not far away.
"I’ve seen through all their weaknesses. I paralyzed her fighting ability through vibration … well, I may also paralyze her by the way …" Look at the jade claws holding the neck not far from Zhuang, kissing and kissing, and shaking her wrists like scales. "Old miss …"
Zhuang not far turned his eyes. Is this the so-called miss?
At present, there are nearly 1000 rabbit dragons in the manor, and at this time, all the rabbit dragons seem to be drunk and stagger.
And scaly did all this by himself?
This is the strength of the six-armed dragon?
Just by your own physical strength?
Moreover, I have seen through the enemy’s weakness in a short battle. How can I say that what function paralyzes the brain paralyzes what function?
Even if you are a six-armed dragon, don’t be so exaggerated!
"Good villa master, no one is making trouble now. Let’s continue to study." Scaly pale doesn’t even sweat-of course, the six-armed dragon man may not have sweat glands at all. He took a few steps forward and stretched out his hand to drag the villa not far away.
"Wait!" Not far from Zhuang, with a wave of his hands, he posed as a "crane with bright wings". "It’s not easy to deal with me not far from the enemy village! Ada! "
Seeing that Zhuang’s slap was not far away, it was not serious, but suddenly the sense of crisis in his heart gave birth to a pike in his hand and suddenly blocked Zhuang’s slap.
"Pa" is not far from a village, and the slap intersects with the gun.
A silver light flashed "click" and the spear in the scaly hand was corroded instantly. The spear head flew out and was inserted next to it, trembling and still shaking.
Scaly pale looked down at the gun and frowned tightly.